Leisure Employment in the Weekdays and Weekend for Korean (With the 20 - 40 years old male female as its center) 인문 · 사회과학편 : 한국(韓國) 성인남녀(成人男女)의 평일(平日)과 주말여가활용(週末餘暇活用)에 관(寬)한 연구(硏究) < 20∼40재(才)를 중심(中心)으로 >
24(2) 3-15, 1985
Leisure Employment in the Weekdays and Weekend for Korean (With the 20 - 40 years old male female as its center) 인문 · 사회과학편 : 한국(韓國) 성인남녀(成人男女)의 평일(平日)과 주말여가활용(週末餘暇活用)에 관(寬)한 연구(硏究) < 20∼40재(才)를 중심(中心)으로 >
Since the working hours have been shortened and the level of living improved, the use of leisure has taken an important position in Koreans’ living.
Therefore, the situation about the use of Koreans’ leisure has been searched, and then, conclusions will be as follows;
1. Korean men (adults) use leisure time for 4.87 hours un weekdays, 5.37 hours on saturdays, and 6.90 hours on sundays in 1983. Women (adults) use leisure time for 4.93 hours on weekdays, 5.11 hours on saturdays, and 5.81 hours on sundays in 1983.
2. The working hours per week became short into 57.9% in 1968 and 52.9% in 1971, and the leisure time 54.0 hours in 1980 and 53.7 hours in 1981.
3. A variable of the use of leisure seems to be very influenced by sex, newspapers, reading magazines, religion and the level of education.
4. The function of leisure in Koreans can be divided into easy-function and inverse-function: the easy function physiological, mental, emotional, creational function, the function of promoting humanity, realizing and socializing themselves, and granting the view of value, but the inverse function can be the function of uniformity, camouflage, non-valuable conflict among classes, and numbness in political awareness.
5. The way of substitutionally approaching for the use of leisure may be to reconstruct democratization, education, humanization, creation, and the way of speech for leisure.
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A Study on Anxiety of Baseball Player's Position & Batting Order 인문 · 사회과학편 : 우리나라 야구선수(野球選手)의 POSITION 및 타순별(打順別) 불안도(不安度)에 관(寬)한 연구(硏究)
24(2) 17-27, 1985
A Study on Anxiety of Baseball Player's Position & Batting Order 인문 · 사회과학편 : 우리나라 야구선수(野球選手)의 POSITION 및 타순별(打順別) 불안도(不安度)에 관(寬)한 연구(硏究)
This research aims at exploring the anxiety state in baseball players, applying The Self-Rating Anxiety Scale of W.W.K. Zung to the two groups of baseball players in Seoul; One group Consists of 677 athletes from primary, junior-high, and high schools and from colleges, team sponsored by companies and professional teams in Seoul. And the other 493 non-athletes selected in same way.
The results are as follows:
1. In the group of athletes, anxiety scale decreases continuously throughout primary school years up to the team sponsored by companies.
2. In comparison with each group of athletes and non-athletes, both groups in junior-high, high school, and college, show higher level of anxiety, and the margin of difference is high, especially in colleges. (p<.000)
3. Each group in catcher and center-fielder shows, higher level of anxiety. (p<.04, p<.000)
4. Teams sponsored by companies show the lowest level of anxiety of all. (position, batting order)
5. In catcher, short-stop, and center-fielder, A group of school athletes (primary, junior-high, and high school athletes) shows higher level of anxiety than B group of adult athletes (college, team sponsored by company, and pro-team).
6. The fourth hitter tends to get lower and lower level of anxiety from primacy school to college, but to get higher and higher level of anxiety in team sponsored by company and pro-team.
7. The eighth hitter shows mach higher level of anxiety in primany school, and the lowest level of anxiety in team sponsored by company, and the margin of difference is high.
8. The margin of difference between primany school and high school is indicated in batting order.
9. In comparison with each group of batting order, the ninth hitter shows higher levol of anxiety in A group Athletes (Primany, junior-high, high school athletes) than in B group Athletes (college, team sponsored by company, and pro-teams), and the margin of difference is high.
Key Words
The Effect of Praise and Reproof on the Attitude Change of Physical Education Practice 인문 · 사회과학편 : 칭찬(稱讚)과 질책(叱責)이 체육학습(體育學習) 태도변화(態度變化)에 미치는 영향
24(2) 29-37, 1985
The Effect of Praise and Reproof on the Attitude Change of Physical Education Practice 인문 · 사회과학편 : 칭찬(稱讚)과 질책(叱責)이 체육학습(體育學習) 태도변화(態度變化)에 미치는 영향
1. The purpose of this study.
It is to research how students change their attitude on teachers` praise and reproof and is also to get concrete teaching materials of effective physical education practice.
2. The method of this study.
This study was researched through the object of the K middle school students, 180 boys and girls each (360 persons in all) in Seoul, divided into three classes; a praise group, a reproof group and a Control group.
3. The result of this study.
(1) In the general physical education, there are some differences between Experimental groups (three kinds of groups) and boys-girls group in a dualistic interaction effects. Especially the boys of praise group have more favorite attitude than the girls on physical education practice.
(2) It shows that there are some differences in the dualistic interaction between boys-girls group and Experimental group, and the interaction among boys-girls group, Experimental group and their trial times, too. In Volley ball game, all the boys and girls in praise group are very effective on practicing the physical education.
(3) In High Jump, there are some differences in the interaction effects between boys-girls group and Experimental group, and also among boys and girls group, experimental group in the number of trial times.
It shows that praising the boys is very effective, and reprooving against the girls is undesirable.
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The Effects of Anxiety , Stress , and Task Difficulty on the Performance of a Motor Learning 인문 · 사회과학편 : 불안(不安) 및 긴장(緊張)이 난이도(難易度)가 다른 운동학습과제(運動學習課題)의 수행(遂行)에 미치는 효과(效果)
24(2) 39-44, 1985
The Effects of Anxiety , Stress , and Task Difficulty on the Performance of a Motor Learning 인문 · 사회과학편 : 불안(不安) 및 긴장(緊張)이 난이도(難易度)가 다른 운동학습과제(運動學習課題)의 수행(遂行)에 미치는 효과(效果)
The paper has been designed to investigate the effects of anxiety, stress, and task difficulty on the performance of a motor learning. The subjects of the present study are swventy-two players extracted randomly from seven Middle Schools located in Dae Gu City and Kyeong Buk Province. The study has employed the experimental design of Task difficulty (2) × Anxiety (2) × Stress(2), which is a completely randomized factorial. The present work has the tool that wash used by Health & Rodger on the performenace of a motor learning.
The sport Competition Anxiety which has been used in the present experimetns is a modification of Marten`s Sport Competiotion Anxiety. Data have been analyzed in terms of a three-way ANOVA. The concolusions drawn from the experiments are as follow:
1. There is a significant difference between easy task and hard task.
2. There is no significant difference between high SCAT group in the performance of a motor learning.
3. There is no significant difference between stress group and no-stress group in the performance of a motor learning.
4. There is no significant difference between task difficulty and anxiety in the performance of motor learning.
5. There is no significant difference between anxiety and stress in the performance of a motor learning.
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The Effects of the Emphatic of Speed, Accuracy by Language Instruction on Motor Achievement 인문 · 사회과학편 : 언어교시(言語敎示)에 의한 속도(速度) , 정확성(正確性)의 강조(强調)가 운동성취(運動成就)에 미치는 효과(效果) - 녀자대학생(女子大學生)을 중심(中心)으로 -
24(2) 45-51, 1985
The Effects of the Emphatic of Speed, Accuracy by Language Instruction on Motor Achievement 인문 · 사회과학편 : 언어교시(言語敎示)에 의한 속도(速度) , 정확성(正確性)의 강조(强調)가 운동성취(運動成就)에 미치는 효과(效果) - 녀자대학생(女子大學生)을 중심(中心)으로 -
The purpose of this study is to compare the effects of language instruction on motor learning.
Upon total sixty female students of DUK SUNG women college were used as subjects and divided into three groups: (1) speed group, (2) accuracy group, (3) speed and accuracy group. Each group practiced learning on the throw
The statistical methods were used mean, standard deviation, 1-test, anova-test.
The results were summarized as follows:
1. Speed group showed a significant improvement on the throw but not improvement on the hit.
2. Accuracy group showed not improvement on the throw and the hit.
3. Speed and accuracy group showed a significant improvement on the throw and the hit.
Key Words
Pulmonary Function Parameters and their Prediction Equation in Long - Distance Runners 자연과학편 : 장거리선수(長距離選手)의 폐기능(肺機能)과 폐기능추정식(肺機能推定式)
In the present study, an effort was directed to obtain more complete and detailed information of the pulmonary function and prediction equation of the pulmonary function in the male high school endurance athletes and non-athletes.
The results obtained are summarized as follows:
FVC (forced vital capacity) showed no significant difference between athletes and non-athletes. but FEV 0.5% and FEV 1% in athletes were significantly higher than in non-athletes.
PEF, FEF 25%, FEF 50%, PIF, FEF 200-l200mi, FEF 25-75% and FHF 75-85% of forced respiratory flow in athletes were significantly higher than in non-athletes, but FEF 75% showed no significant difference between the two groups.
MW (Maximal Voluntary Ventilation) in athletes was a little higher than in non-athletes.
Maximal expiratory pressure and maximal inspiratory pressure in athletes were significantly higher than in non-athletes.
Compared with the predicted values, the observed pulmonary function values were higher in athletes but lower non-athletes.
Prediction equations for all of the pulmonary function parameters were derived from the observed data with the age, height and body weight.
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A Study on the Work Load by the Heart Rate Different in Tennis Games 자연과학편 : 심박수(心拍數)의 변화(變化)에 의한 Tennis 경기(競技)의 운동강도(運動强度)에 관(寬)한 연구(硏究)
金昇一KimSeungYil , 鮮于攝SunooSub
24(2) 69-80, 1985
A Study on the Work Load by the Heart Rate Different in Tennis Games 자연과학편 : 심박수(心拍數)의 변화(變化)에 의한 Tennis 경기(競技)의 운동강도(運動强度)에 관(寬)한 연구(硏究)
金昇一KimSeungYil , 鮮于攝SunooSub
The purpose of this study is to elucidate the work load and physical performance by the heart rate different in tennis grimes. Subjects were twelve college men and women in aged 19 to 23 yrs.
Incremental exercise test were peformed on a Monark bicycle ergometer at 60 rpm. Heart rate were recorded by the heart checker system (BP-40). Oxygen uptake was measured by Douglas bag and scholander gas analyser method.
The conculusions of this study were as follows:
1. Maximum oxygen uptake during incremental ergometer exercise in men and women indicated 59.1 ㎖/㎎/min and 42.5 ㎖/㎎/min, respectively. Anaerobic threshold (AT-VO₂) during incremental ergometer exercise showed 1.65 and 1.04 ℓ/min and AT-% VO₂max were 43.0 and 44.4%, respectively.
2. Mean heart rate at Single match tennis games in men and women were 145.1 beats/min (58% VO₂ max) and 146.7 beats/min (62.2% VO₂max), respectively. It is suggested that these mean heart rate ware 79.3% HR max and 79.4% HR max.
3. Mean heart rate in receiver and servicer showed 147.5 beats/min, 142.7 beats/min, and 147.2 beats/min, 146.2 beats/min, respectively in men and women. It is suggested that the heart rate in Servicer were higher than receiver in slightly.
Key Words
A Study of Point Skill in Taekwondo Competition 자연과학편 : 태권도(跆拳道) 경기(競技)의 득점(得點) 기술(技術)에 관(寬)한 연구(硏究)
24(2) 81-86, 1985
A Study of Point Skill in Taekwondo Competition 자연과학편 : 태권도(跆拳道) 경기(競技)의 득점(得點) 기술(技術)에 관(寬)한 연구(硏究)
Among the contestants who took part in the 7th world Taekwondo Campionship. I have analyzed the skill patterns that they used and made a good score from the preliminary match to the final match. I made the skill patterns of contestants who won the Gold-medal or Silver-medal an object of this study. As a result of that. I have come to this conclusion;
1. In the points according to weight division. Y player of Bantam Wt. made 18 points. And H player of Feather Wt. got 19 points. On the other hand, P player of Light Wt made 12 points by various skill without a mark obtained by the opponent.
2. In the competition of Heavy Wt. that there is a wide gap in stature. it was revealed that tall stature players were very profitable.
3. In the total score(102 points) that Gold-medalists obtained. it was the front turning kick that got the best points by (48 points) 47.5%.
Putting these various conclusions together, the contestants made too much of the front turning kick as much as near the half points of total score in Taekwonde Competition. This tendency can be pointed out the problem that brings simplification of competition skill.
Therefore, it is desirable to make rules that we give higher points to more difficulty skill. In the same manner, we have to improve better skill of front turning kick.
In the Light weight class player, I think that their various skill and numerous points are caused by the physical condition and many players class.
For that rean, I insist that it is very important to expand the lowest stratum of player.
When I add a few words to make sure, it is very urgent problem that we have to find a tall man in the Heavy Wt. players.
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Mechanical Analysis of Salto Backward Stretched on Mat 자연과학편 : 매트 몸펴뒤공중돌기 동작(動作)의 역학적분석(力學的分析)
24(2) 87-101, 1985
Mechanical Analysis of Salto Backward Stretched on Mat 자연과학편 : 매트 몸펴뒤공중돌기 동작(動作)의 역학적분석(力學的分析)
Salto backward streched is high develope skill needed in concenting the techique. The purpose of this study is to analyze and improve the skill of Salto backward stretched. For this study, 4 high-class male player in university were sampled at random. I photographed their motion with 16mm movie camera (68 frames/sec), and searched for the gravitational center of the body by the drawing figure method of Masseui.
I also divied salto backward stretched into 4 phases, and analysed ants compared the movement of the center of gravity and the angle change of joint with mechanical method.
The conclusion are as follows:
1. In phase 1, all examinees. A,B,C ailed D, increased F. and P. when they jumped. Examinee B moved slowlier than A by 1.7㎝ on ho. (p<0.05). by 1.45m/sec upon HV. (p<0.05), and decreased P. more than A by 19.94 Hp(p<0.05). Examinee C moved slowlier than A by 1.67㎝ on ho (p<0.05) and 1.32m/sec upon HV.(p<0.05). Examinee D moved more than A by 0.76㎝ on he.. and exhausted P. more than A by 86.71 Hp.
2. In phase 2, examinee B moved more than A by 2.31㎝ on he. (p<0.05), and faster than A by 1.39m/sec upon VV. (p<0.05) Examinee C moved more than A by 2.13㎝ on he. (p<0.05), and decreased by 1.58 Hp upon P.
3. In phase 3, examinee C moved slowlier thats A by 1.25㎝ on ho. (p<0.05) and by 0.85m/sec upon HV. (p<0.05). Examinee D moved faster thats A by 2.07㎝ on he. (p<0.05), and slowlier than A by 0.79 m/sec upon RV. (p<0.05).
4. In phase 4, It seems to be good motion that F. and P is diminished and knee J. performed with an acute angle in the last landing posture.
5. Synthesizing and considering 4 and above, we can be noted that the success and failure of the motion depend upon decrease and increase of F. and P. and the size of extension for hip J. and knee J. on aerial posture on SALTO BACKWARD STRETCHED motion.
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A Study of Change on Electrolyte Metabolism after the Game 5 sets in Volleyball 자연과학편 : 5세트 배구경기후(排球競技後) 선수(選手)의 인체전해질(人體電解質) 배설량(排泄量) 변화(變化)에 관(寬)한 연구(硏究)
崔世鎭ChoiSe-Jin , 金光會KimKwangWhoe
24(2) 103-108, 1985
A Study of Change on Electrolyte Metabolism after the Game 5 sets in Volleyball 자연과학편 : 5세트 배구경기후(排球競技後) 선수(選手)의 인체전해질(人體電解質) 배설량(排泄量) 변화(變化)에 관(寬)한 연구(硏究)
崔世鎭ChoiSe-Jin , 金光會KimKwangWhoe
This study has attempted to investigate the effect of Volley Ball Game of 5 sets on Electrolyte Metabolism (Cl-, Na+, K+) from 7 athletes of male high school.
I measured the urine excretion of subjects before and after the game of 5 sets and after 60 min rest.
The following results were obtained:
1. Before game, urinary chloride is measured 235.571 mEq/ℓ, urinary sodium is measured 168.571 mEq/ℓ, urinary potassium is measured 59.571 mEq/ℓ.
2. After game, urinary chloride is measured 155.857 mEq/ℓ, urinary sodium is measured 226.0 mEq/ℓ, urinary potassium is measured 86.286 mEq/ℓ.
3. Taking 60 min rest, urinary chloride is measured 140.143 mEq/ℓ, urinary sodium is measured 240.143 mEq/ℓ urinary potassium is measured 91.286 mEq/ℓ.
The Inverted Giant Swing motion is a highest technique among the various movement on the Horizontal bar.
The purpose of this study lies in the factor analysis of Inverted Giant Swing motion.
And so, I came to take pictures of the movements with 16 min movie camera.
Subjects consisted of two highly and moderately-trained male atheletes enrolled at H University during the spring 1984.
The results of this research were gained through measuring of three times a subject. The best one of three times was selected to analyse.
The results were summarized as follows:
1. The removal of the center of gravity shows that sub A is slower than that of sub B, which means that V is slow by 0.14m/sec, F is larger by - 4660.05 Newton, Ek is by 2.37 Joule, Ep is by 493.08 Joule (p<0.05), U is by 270.77 Joule (p<0.001), P is by - 10.074 H.p.
2. r in case of phase I, II, shows that sub A is longer than sub B, which was resulted in an advisable movement by using of acceleration in case of phase IV.
3. Arm angle in case of point I shows that sub A is 125.0˚, sub B is 90.3˚, and is case of Trunk angle sub A is 170.0˚, sub B is 75.5˚, which shows that sub A is superior to sub B. And, It shows that subject B is lacked of the aesthetic presentation.
Key Words
An Analysis of the Composition and Difficulty Degree for Optional Competition in Balance Beann 자연과학편 : 여자(女子) 평균대(平均臺) 자유연기(自由演技)의 구성(構成)과 난도(難度)에 관(寬)한 분석(分析) - 한국선수(韓國選手)와 중공선수(中共選手)를 중심(中心)으로 -
金鎭秀JinSoo-Kim , 李慈遠JaWon-Lee
24(2) 117-127, 1985
An Analysis of the Composition and Difficulty Degree for Optional Competition in Balance Beann 자연과학편 : 여자(女子) 평균대(平均臺) 자유연기(自由演技)의 구성(構成)과 난도(難度)에 관(寬)한 분석(分析) - 한국선수(韓國選手)와 중공선수(中共選手)를 중심(中心)으로 -
金鎭秀JinSoo-Kim , 李慈遠JaWon-Lee
This study was made to find out the composition and difficulty degree for optional competition in balance beam with subject of 6 chinese gymnastic players and 6 Korean female gymnastic players as the 85 Asia youth gymnastic championship from May 17, 1985 to May 19, 1985.
1. In performing Contents, Korean players had performed so flic-flac but chinese players did performance which can be got bonus points.
2. In performing composition;
1) KorEan players had performed more Frequently 0.2 times than chines players in acrobatic elements with flight phase and 2 Korean players and 5 chinese players had performed the Drv. difficulty degree which can be got bonus points.
2) Korean players had performed more frequently 1.2 times than chines players in acrobatic elements and handstand elements.
3) Chinese players had performed more frequently 0.7 times than Korean players in gymnastic elements.
4) Korean players had performed more 6 times than chinese players in 2 or several acrobatic elements and 2 Korean players and 5 chinese players had performed the C + Drv. difficulty degree. 5) One of 6 Korean players had performed the gymnastic elements once, but 5 Chines players of chinese 6 players had performed the gymnastic elements.
3. In composition of individual values in all of exercise, Korean players had performed core 0.7 and 1.2 times than chinese players in B.C. difficulty degree, on average but in A, D difficulty degree chinese players had performed more 2.5 times and 0.1 times than Korean players, on average.
4. In raising values through direct connection, Korean players had performed 12 times that 6 players had done C+C to C+D, B+C to B+D, B+B to B+C, B+B+C to B+C+D, C+B to C+C, B+B+B to C+C, B+B+C to C+D and chinese players had gained 7 times raising values with B+B to B+C, C+C to C+D, B+C to B+D, A+B+B to A+C+C, A+B to A+C, B+B+C to B+C+D.
Key Words
Changes of Pulse Rate and Blood Pressure after Weight Training 자연과학편 : 웨이트 트레이닝후(後) 맥박수(脈搏數) 및 혈압(血壓)의 변화(變化)
24(2) 129-136, 1985
Changes of Pulse Rate and Blood Pressure after Weight Training 자연과학편 : 웨이트 트레이닝후(後) 맥박수(脈搏數) 및 혈압(血壓)의 변화(變化)
This study was performed to find the changes of Pulse rate and Blood Pressure after exercise, at resting state and during the recovery period. The mate subjects were ten bodybuilding athletes of 25-30 years old and ten non-athletes of 25-30 years old who are training health club in Seoul. Exercise loading method was circulated three times Weight training of seven kind.
Changes of Pulse rate and Blood pressure was measured at rest. after exercise, 1 min, 3 min, 5 min, 10 min, 20 min, 30min.
The results and conclusion were as follows:
1. The Pulse rates of at rest, from after exercise to 30 minutes were significantly lower in athletes than non-athletes, and athletes made more rapid recovery than non-athletes.
2. The Systolic blood pressure of at rest, from after exercise to 30 minutes were significantly lower in athletes than non-athletes, and from after exercise to 10 minutes. both groups showed significantly higher than at rest.
3. The Diastolic blood pressure of non-athletes after exercise was higher than at rest, and at 3 minutes lower than at rest, and again recovered Diastolic blood pressure of at rest Athletes after exercise was lower than at rest and from 5 minutes again recovered Diastolic blood pressure.
4. The Pulse pressure of both groups from after exercise to 10 minutes showed significantly different, and in comparison two groups showed significantly different after exercise, 1 min, 3 min, 5 min, 10 min, 20 min.
Above mentioned study think collectively Pulse rate and Blood pressure of athletes decreased than non-athletes. That is, this mean improvement of circulation function and will become basic data for Weight training directions.
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A Study on the Analysis factor in Fundamental Fitness of Tae Kwon Do player 자연과학편 : 태권도선수(跆拳道選手)의 기초체력(基礎體力)에 관한 인자분석적(因子分析的) 연구(硏究) - 국가대표(國家代表)및 상비군(常備軍) 중심(中心)으로 -
金耕知KimKyungJee , 南炳執NamByungJeep
24(2) 137-145, 1985
A Study on the Analysis factor in Fundamental Fitness of Tae Kwon Do player 자연과학편 : 태권도선수(跆拳道選手)의 기초체력(基礎體力)에 관한 인자분석적(因子分析的) 연구(硏究) - 국가대표(國家代表)및 상비군(常備軍) 중심(中心)으로 -
金耕知KimKyungJee , 南炳執NamByungJeep
The purpose of the study was to analysis factor in fundamental fitness of Tae Kwon Do player. The subject 24 male national Caliber and 30 male University Caliber Tae Kwon Do players.
the first factor: a factor of function
the second factor: a factor of power muscle strength
the third factor: a factor of Agility
the fourth factor: a factor of Flexibility
The results were summerized as follows:
1. a number of factor was showed six.
2. a factor of motor ability is breaking down.
3. It deserved special emphasis power and Agility in the physique, Function.
4. r: 0.73. Correlation between lower limb length and lower limb length.
Key Words
A Comparative method of each Groupes' Attribution Factors that Earn Motor Performance Score of High Middle Low 자연과학편 : 상(上) · 중(中) · 하(下) 운동수행(運動遂行) 기록(記錄)을 획득(獲得)한 각(各) 집단(集團)의 귀인요인 (歸因要因) 비교연구(比較硏究)
24(2) 147-152, 1985
A Comparative method of each Groupes' Attribution Factors that Earn Motor Performance Score of High Middle Low 자연과학편 : 상(上) · 중(中) · 하(下) 운동수행(運動遂行) 기록(記錄)을 획득(獲得)한 각(各) 집단(集團)의 귀인요인 (歸因要因) 비교연구(比較硏究)
The purpose of this study is to analyze differences and characteristics of attribution factors that earn as a result of motor performance between high middle, law groups and females.
The results are as follows:
1. High and middle Groupers have inclination the internal-external attribution, and especially they think that the attribution factor results from expectation standards of external.
2. Low Groupes have inclinction the external attribution, and especially they think that the attribution factor results from task difficulty.
3. The female have inclination the internal-external attribution, and expecially they think that the attribution factor results stand in order of external expectation standard, their efforts, and task difficulty.
Key Words
The Kinetic Analysis of 100m Sprint Starts by Using Force Platform 자연과학편 : 100m 출발시(出發時) 지면반력(地面反力)에 (地面反力) 관(寬)한 연구(硏究)
24(2) 153-160, 1985
The Kinetic Analysis of 100m Sprint Starts by Using Force Platform 자연과학편 : 100m 출발시(出發時) 지면반력(地面反力)에 (地面反力) 관(寬)한 연구(硏究)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the Kinetic factors for Sprint Starts.
14 Sprinters were served as subjects and the Maximum Block Reaction forces, Impules, Block take-off Times and Force-Time curves were measured by using Force Platform.
The results and conclusions were as follows :
1. Block Reaction Forces were initiated both feet at the same time and Force-Time curves of the Front foot produced two Peaks point, however that of the Rear foot produced one Peak point.
2. There were no significant different among sprint starts for the Maximum Block Reaction Forces and Impulses in Side-ward, Anterior-Posterior. Vertical direction, however the Front foot developed larger Maximum Block Reaction Forces and Impulses than the Rear foot in Sideward. Vertical direction respectively (p<0.05) but no significant different between the both feet in Anterior-Posterior direction.
4. In cases of the Front foot, the Maximum Block Retraction Forces/Weight rates in Sideward, Anterior-Posterior, Vertical direction were respectively 11-13%, 86-89%, 112-117% and that of the Rear foot ware respectively 5-9%, 79-85%, 73-82%.
5. The Front foot shown larger Impules than the Rear foot each of sprint (p<0.01), and Impules of the Vertical direction shown larger than that of the Anterior-Posterior in Front, Rear foot respectively.
6. In cases of the Block Take-off Times, the Front foot was 0.32-0.37 second, the Rear foot was 0.19-0.21 second. The relationship between the 20m start-dash records and the Block Take-off Times shown high correlation (p<0.05).